Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Katie's First Trip to Blue Lake

Blue Lake is one lake in Sun Lakes State Park. I have been going to Blue Lake since I was 6 weeks old. My Grandparents have a trailer in a resort on the lake for the last 32  years. A few Aunts and Uncles also have their own places there. 

Dad, Joel, Mom and Me!

My mom and brother were going to Blue Lake for Memorial Day Weekend. Last minute I decided I didn't want to miss out on the fun. So I packed up Katie and off we went. Leaving Daddy at home to work. 
It took about 3 days to plan and pack everything. I ended up staying the night at my moms Thursday Night so I could just wake up, go to work, come home, and hit the road. 

My brother Joel, his Fiancee Michelle, and my grandparents Nana Kay (Katie's namesake) and Papa Chuck were already there and we were eager to join them. 

Joe came over and helped us load up the car and make sure the car was ready for a long road trip. LOVE HIM!

Off we went! 

 Katie's first road trip. I drove while mom road shot gun. Katie was just going down for a nap in the back. We didn't expect to hit traffic so soon. Bellevue at noon. OIY.. Bad times. We made a pit stop in North Bend for a diaper change, get a bottle ready, and have Nana move to the back with Katie. 

We got back on the road and not 30 minutes later we hit a SOLID wall of traffic. 1 mile West of the Summit. It didn't ease up until after Cle Elum. The drive to Blue Lake is normally a 3:30 hour drive. It took us 8 hours with a few stops. Katie was a trouper. Many  new firsts for us. Until now Katie was never in the car for more than an hour. She did GREAT all things considered. Nana kept her well entertained. We stopped in Ephrata for another diaper change, stretching for Katie and a little Grocery shopping.  Then it was back in the car for 30 more minutes to Blue Lake. 
Once we arrived Nana Kay took Katie from me so Nana and I could unload. Nana Kay kept Katie well entertained. 

Getting ready for her first night at Blue Lake. Mom and I were exhausted after we were done unloading. Joel started a fire and Mom and Michelle later joined him. Me. I gave Katie her bottle, rocked her to sleep, and went to bed myself. I was pooped.

Saturday was my Birthday. I am now a quarter of a century. Katie woke up at 5 am, downed a bottle and fell back asleep in my arms. We snuggled and slept for another three hours. It was NICE.

After a nummy breakfast made by Papa Chuck, Katie and I went for a walk around the resort.

Later that evening, my Aunt Sue, Uncle Dave, cousin Julie and her two kids showed up for a pot luck dinner! It was very windy so all 12 of us squeezed around the table in the trailer.. those with infants took to the couch. Due to the weather there was no fire that night. We settled with a glass of wine and some board games. I didn't get much sleep that night due to the wind and rain. I was constantly getting a peek at Katie to make sure she didn't get woken up by the noise. She was fine though. I am a worry wart.

Sunday morning was a bit of a rush, my Aunt, Uncle and Cousins were leaving that morning and we offered to cook them breakfast before they left. Instead of waking up early like before EVERYONE slept in. Coffee was a blessing that morning. After breakfast we took to the deck to watch people frolic on the lake.

Nap times were a struggle here due to the different noises and weird schedules. There really wasn't anywhere she could be laid down where activity wasn't going on.  I got Katie to finally fall asleep in my arms for a good hour, while I happily sat in the sun and read my book.

 By 4 pm Katie was DONE! Nana had her and was just finishing changing Katie when she started crying. Katie rarely cries, so when she does, we pay attention and act fast. Nothing my mom was doing was calming her down. As I watched the ordeal happen I knew that she was just over stimulated and past exhaustion. I asked my mom if I could take over. She handed me a screaming tearful child. I immediately swaddled her, rocked her and offered her my pinkie to suck on. Instantly she calmed down. She had a 3 hour nap. Much needed I'd say. She woke up chipper and relaxed and ready for more fun. My family was out playing croquet so we went out to watch them in their fun.

It was another night of board games and later a fire.

Monday - Day to pack up and head home. We had a leisure morning.  Papa Chuck cooked fish caught by Joel and Michelle for breakfast with Hot cakes! Nummers. Around 10 mom and I gathered up all of the wash and went down to the Laundry house. Blue Lake rule: Leave everything better than how you found it. It is a rule to do all of the washings, make the beds in fresh sheets and sweep and clean the kitchen and bathrooms before heading home.

As we were waiting for the laundry to finish I decided to take the opportunity of nice weather for a photo shoot. 
Napping in the Sun
She has found her feet!

She LOVES tugging on her Tulle Skirt.

I have photos of myself and my brothers in these chairs from when I was her age. Ah the memories and traditions.

While Mom and I packed up the car and cleaned the trailer, Nana Kay once again kept Katie entertained. 

Katie rubbing her gums on Nana's thumb like an ear of corn.

Joel and Michelle went fishing that morning one last time before they packed up and left. They both caught their limit Every Day! After laundry was done, mom and I walked Katie over to the docks to watch Joel clean their catch. Here was their catch that morning.

The Seagulls waiting for fish scraps to come out of the tube.. 
Once the trailer was clean and the car was packed, I took a moment and made everyone chicken salad sandwiches and brownies to take with them for their trip home.

I don't have a photo because my camera was already packed however, While I was making the sandwiches Papa had Katie on his lap and they were talking away. Next thing I hear was a laugh from Papa and then silence. I went out on the deck to see what was up and there Katie was slouched over on Papas lap crashed out asleep.
Once everything was loaded and we were ready to leave I picked up Katie from her Papa Chucks comfy arms and then we gave Nana Kay and Papa Chuck kisses and hugs goodbye and loaded Katie into the car.

We were hoping for an easy and quick ride home. We didn't get that though.
Getting Gas and Coffee in Ephrata. 

It took 7:30 hours to get home, including an hour stop in Thorp for potty breaks, diaper changes, and due to traffic at Cle Elum we decided to waste a bit of time walking through the antiques there. Although wasting time didn't help. Traffic didn't let up until after Easton. From Ellensburg to Easton it was 4 hours stuck in the car... Katie once again was a trooper. At one point Nana had allowed Katie to stand facing forwards in her car seat. We had been going 2 miles an hour for 2 hours. The girl needed to stretch her legs and get a different veiw!. 

Once  home I laid Katie down who fell asleep instantly and then unloaded and unpacked the car. I pumped and then crashed myself, skipping dinner as I was so tired. 

The next night I cooked Joe a delicous trout dinner using Papa Chuck's flour recipe.

Home made coleslaw included. 

Memorial Day Weekend was a GREAT getaway (except for the car ride there and back). I look forward to going back with Katie soon. Oh and bringing Daddy this time too!

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