Monday, June 20, 2011

First Solids!

So this will be a semi quick one as it wasn't as successful as I hoped nor did I get great photos since I was the one feeding her and lets face it, Joe wasn't so focused on taking pictures. He really was just trying to enjoy the moment!

So we decided after a few weeks of Katie watching us eat and starting to reach for our utensils as we were eating that maybe it was time to introduce solids. Please excuse the fuzzy photos. It was on the wrong setting and didn't realize it until after the fact.

One Tuesday afternoon, I fed Katie 2 oz of breast milk and then sat her in her bumbo and mixed up some cereal. Super thin mix to make the transition easier.
Sitting in her Bumbo

Here we go!

As Rachel Ray would say. "NummO"

First Mouthful

Ugh, Mom, what is this stuff?

So not a fan, but she did swallow it. 

Down the hatch

No more please
 Let's just say that she did eat it but wasn't enthused about it. So we decided to try again after a few days.

A week later we were up at Joe's moms for the weekend and again she was watching us eat and grabbing at our plates. So we decided to wing it and try mashed bananas.

They were a HIT! Should have known. Again excuse the fuzzy photos but they're still cute. She kept grabbing the cup the bananas were in because apparently I wasn't giving her spoonfuls quick enough.
Give that here, I can do it myself. 

So nummy

Lovin' on her nanners. 
Next food to introduce. Applesauce, then on to sweet potatoes.

I'm looking forward to making all of her food for her! If anyone knows where to get little containers to freeze baby food I'd be grateful!

Nest post - Fathers Day!

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