Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hartman Family Reunion!

Every first weekend in August is the Hartman Family reunion in Akeley, MN.

Last year we didn't go, we decided it was better to save money for the baby. Yep I was about 5 months pregnant at the time.

This year we were excited to introduce Katie to the family.

So Dad, Jerri, Nick, James, Joe, Myself, and Katie were Minnesota Bound!

Dad and Jerri flew out two days before us. James (joe's little brother) has family out in Minnesota and wanted to go see his uncle for a few days so we brought him along for his 18th birthday!

It took me weeks to pack for Katie, no kidding. I packed and repacked so many times. I ended up buying ready made formula and diapers on amazon and had them shipped to my Aunts in Minneapolis. I tried for days to get Katie's stuff narrowed down and to squeeze into a carry on but it just wasn't happening. So we ended up having to check her stuff. I fit Joe and my clothes into one small carry on. You can see my priorities I am sure!

I was concerned with how missy would fly but she was AMAZING!

On the Park and Fly Shuttle!

Uncle Nick is SO ready for this vacation!
It was a breeze getting through security and Katie was flirting with everyone.  The Airline checked our car seat and stroller for free which made it so much easier for us.

Once we were boarded onto the plane and got settled in I cozied Katie up into her Nana blanket and gave her a bottle as we started to taxi down the runway.

Ready for take off!
By the time that bottle was gone we were up in the sky and she was out like a light.

She slept the whole flight right up until we started to descend. We got off the plane and the airline had our stroller set up and ready in the tunnel. I quickly took Katie to change her clothes and diaper then we grabbed our bags. We stepped outside and it was WARM... we met up with Joe and James' Uncle outside. We said good bye to James as he left with Uncle Steve and they were on their way to Spicer, Mn.

So happy to be in Minnesota

We got to my Auntie Barb and Uncle Lorens around Midnight. Chatted a bit with Auntie and then we all hit the hay.

Friday - We woke up to day care kids playing upstairs ( My aunt runs a day care) It was fun to hang around for the morning. After breakfast and lazying around for a little bit we loaded up the car and hit the road. We had to get from Bloomington, MN to Akeley, MN it's about a 3.5 hour drive.   Friday night is the fish fry night and Joe NEEDED to be there for that!
Katie did great during that whole ride. 

Hartman family reunion is a three day event always with a theme! This year is was a Japanese theme!

When we arrived, we settled into the trailer first, and then said hi to those that were there. Dad took Katie to go and play and sent us to go for a boat ride with Uncle Larry on 11th Crow Wing Lake.

My Uncle and Aunts place from the lake

A lot happened this weekend and it would take me forever to write down. It was a TON of fun to see and enjoy our family! We went swimming

outdoor diaper change! She wasn't happy with me documenting it!

Oy Vey, Drama Queen

Auntie Barb and Uncle Loren

Uncle Randy and Aunt Barb got Katie a new TOY!

Nick and Barb goofing off in the out house. 

That's right folks, she learned how to suck her toes. 

Swimming with Uncle Nick

We drove back to the city on Sunday. James' cousin dropped him off at Aunt Barbs just in time for us to swing by my little cousin's high school during her dinner break to say hi!  She couldn't go to the reunion because she had to go to her Show Choir boot camp.

After a quick 15 minutes to chat, we went back to the house to get ready for Valley Fair!! Auntie Barb offered to watch Katie while we went to go ride the roller coasters!!!!

I don't have pictures of this but man did we ever enjoy ourselves. We went on every roller coaster ride there. Including the Power tower, which I never thought I'd go on.

The next day, we were headed home. She did amazing on the flight home and was awake for most of it. She was entertained and entertaining others around her and just a cheery little thing.

It was a Great first family vacation and I look forward to many more.. Maybe we'll try road trips next.

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