Friday, July 29, 2011

6 Months Old!

 Ooops. I so thought I posted this already. Sorry all, it's only three weeks late. 
My 6 Month Old
We made it 6 Months! I can hardly believe it. This child is seriously the light of my life. She makes Joe and I slow down and enjoy the simple things. It is such a blessing to be given such a gift as to help her grow and learn and explore. It is truly a wondrous thing to see.

I can happily say that in 6 months we've only had one hospital admission. Zero is preferred but I'll take what I'm given. She is happy, healthy, and growing like a weed.

She is such a sponge. She is learning so quickly. She will observe us do something and then mimic it back. Or she'll figure out how to do something and do it repeatedly until she masters it.
We had her six month check up last week(three weeks) and here are her stats:

Weight - 15.4 pounds - 25 - 50th percentile (birth - 6.8 lbs)
Height - 26.5 Inches - 90th percentile (birth - 20.5 inches)
Head Circumference - 16.25 -25th percentile (birth - 12.25 cms)

So she is a tall one! Thank goodness for that! She's still in her 3 month onsies and some outfits, for sleepers and pants she's in 6 months due to leg length. Anything else 6 months looks like a bag on her. 
She's also off of her acid reflux medicine! That was a huge feat for us!
She has changed so much since last month.

Katie's Life at 6 Months Old.
We are currently going through a growth spurt so her sleeping and eating habits are wonky right now.

Katie can now sit up unassisted! She can't get into sitting on her own... yet. However once shes sitting she'll sit for a while, until she's distracted with something on either side of her, than it is a graceful tip over on her side. Currently she loves to rock backwards and forwards while sitting. Her little core muscles are getting so strong.

Eating - She is on solids twice sometimes three times a day. In the morning around 10 we give her some fruit and in the evening she gets some type of vegetable. She's got this eating thing DOWN! She LOVES butternut squash and HATES peas. (What kid doesn't though!) She is also a huge fan of pears and nectarines.

Sleeping - Katie goes to bed around 8:30- 9:30 and wakes up around 7. I'm trying to move it to 7:30 or 8 however so far with me working part time it's not working, by the time I pick her up from daycare after work she seems to need a few hours of mommy time before falling asleep. We're done with swaddling. Didn't last long.  Lately she's been actually waking up at least once if not twice in the middle of the night to eat. Once she's full she falls right back to sleep.

Naps- Katie will nap at her leisure! Seriously, I've tried putting her on a nap schedule but she doesn't abide. She naps about an hour after she wakes up for about an hour. Then she'll have a few half an hour naps here and there. Randomly she'll have a few hour nap in the evening.

Play- Katie is awake for longer stints now and she just LOVES to play. She is constantly wanting interaction. When she gets bored she lets you know by releasing those crocodile tears. She spends time everyday in her jumper, then onto the floor sitting and laying on her tummy. We also sit her in her bumbo and she tends to get bored with the toys we give her so she'll start reaching for anything around her.

When falling asleep she likes to be in mamas arms sucking on a paci and touching my face. 

New things that Katie can do -
  • Jump in her jumper
  • Pull rings off her ring tower
    Place said ring around her leg and then continue on playing
  • She now cries crocodile tears when you take a toy away
  • Splash in a bath or pool.
  • Returning mommy's kisses
  • Spin herself around on her belly
  • Sitting unsupported!
  • Rocking back and forth.
  • Grabbing at EVERYTHING
  • She interacts with the dogs
  • Mimics mommy and daddy
  • High pitched screaming (She's a master at it)
  • Blowing raspberries

I LOVE MY SIX MONTH OLD. She is getting to be so fun! I know she is starting to really understand us and she's making her wants known as well. She loves it when mommy does make up on the spot story time and of course any time she makes eye contact with Joe her face just lights up. 

Since I'm behind I'll do my 7 month post shortly! Also stay tuned. We are heading out to Minnesota next week for a family reunion. I'm sure there will be a posting on that too!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Fourth of July~


Another first for Katie.  This time last year I was 5 months pregnant and unknown to how much my life was about to change. 

I made some of Martha Stewart's Firecracker cookies. Turned out OK. They would have been better if I had more time for the royal icing. 

Joe's mom thew a bbq up at her house and invited all of Greg's family(her boyfriend). We left home early in the morning and got there around 10:30. We spent the morning eating bananas in the sun and then taking a nap. Once nap time was done it was time to hit the beach!

I got Katie an adorable swim outfit. I just couldn't resist. What do ya think?

We literally spent ALL day down at the beach..
Sitting on the deck with Grandma

Playing with her toys while waiting for her bottle to warm.

Joe's brothers while waiting for the burgers to be done
Rory getting lovins from Jacob

Myself, Joe, and Katie decided to play out in the water on the tide flats. 

Scared to let go of mommy's hands

Sitting on her own!

Splashing around
Then Logan just couldn't resist her smiling face. He had to get some kisses in. She giggled and wiggled the whole time.

She wanted to continue to splash around so Joe just held the back of her swim suit while she played. Until she fell over. I can't help but watch the video and laugh.

After her fun in the water, she had an outfit change and a nap.
Woke up frisky!

It was a very fun fourth full of family and fun in the sun. 

When the fireworks came, Katie slept in my arms while sitting 10 feet from the fireworks. She slept right through it. 

Such a brave little girl.

The night was full of tears. I had to work the next day and Naomi was going to watch her so we decided it was best to leave her up at Grandmas for the night. My poor Mama heart. (I'm borrowing my friends saying because it just describes it so well)

I cried over and over. Many times I tried to lay a sleeping girl down in her crib and I just couldn't do it. After cuddling for over 30 minutes I finally had to let her go. It was midnight and we still had an hour drive until home. I kissed her sweet cheeks and wished her sweet dreams, laid her down and then I walked out of the room. I cried the whole way home and then slept with her blanket. Sad I know. 

The next day Katie had a walk with Grandpa and Grandma before I picked her up. 
She enjoyed it but she got a bit of a sun burn on her head, nose, and cheeks.

Once I got her home I was so happy! We played, cuddled, and then had story time.

She fell asleep easily and I couldn't put her down. I just wanted to hold her forever. I did eventually lay her in her crib and crawled into my own bed, after all I had to work the next day. 

Not looking forward to the next sleep over. I think it may be awhile.