Monday, May 16, 2011

My First Mothers Day!

Last year I announced to my family that I was pregnant. This year I got to celebrate Mothers Day with my husband and Katie! Amazing how fast one year flies by.

I woke up to a sweet cooing of Katie at 6am. Joe told me he'd get her and that I should go back to sleep! Love him! I still had to pump but it was so nice to just wake up, pump, and cuddle back in bed! He got Katie back down in a record 35 minutes and then crawled into bed to snuggle. I then woke up to Joe cooking me breakfast and listening to Katie "talk" to the dogs.

We enjoyed a nice breakfast of bacon, eggs and fresh blueberry pancakes. Nummers. I then got my gift.
Since we are on a tight budget with me only working part time right now I didn't want a gift so I got a note instead.

Inside the note Joe wrote what he'd like to do for my first mothers day. It was to go buy a rose bush and a cedar planter box to commemorate my first mothers day. So Sweet. Then later, he'd take care of Katie so I could roam the book store at my leisure. Love him!

Another first on Sunday was Katie got to wear her first pair of shoes!
Here it goes!
Velcro on!

Gosh she looks so grown up. This girl loves to stand so we decided to get her used to shoes now.

So after cleaning up breakfast off we went to McLendon's. I picked out a sweet pink rose bush and a nice planter box. (Since we are currently in our condo we decided a planter box for now and then once we buy a house we'll plant it somewhere.)

On our way back home we had this stunning view to enjoy! It's hard to tell, but there it's a double rainbow.

After dropping Joe and Katie off at home, I went off to Half Price Books to wonder the childrens book section mainly. I ended up grabing a handful of books for myself and for Katie.

I ran into the grocery store to pick up a few missing items so I could make a nice dinner later.

After the grocerys were put away and new books placed on the bookshelves, we had some Katie Naked Time before bath time! Her favorite.
Who needs clothes to be happy?

Love my shirt, don't you?
Joe and I enjoyed a nice steak and potatoe dinner and lemon bars for dessert and then enjoyed a movie together after Katie fell asleep.

It was a very nice and relaxing first Mothers Day for me.Now I need to start brainstorming ideas for Fathers Day.

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