My Four Month Old
I can't believe she has gotten so big so quick. Where did the time go?
Today she had her 4 month check up. Poor little girl had to get two shots and one oral vaccine. She was a trooper though! She cried for 30 seconds and then I cuddled her and gave her a bottle and then all was well!
I had two shots today. Boo |
I had to take her traditional photo next to her first teddy. Goodness she is big.
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I now weigh 13.8 lbs 50% percentile |
Just to give you an idea of how much she's grown. Here she was at 1 month old. 7 pounds.
She giggled at the Dr's for the first time today. Such a sweet sound.
Such a happy girl. |
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I am now 24.5 Inches tall! 75% Percentile |
She is constantly grabbing EVERYTHING with her hands and putting it into her mouth.
She now has figured out how to holler at Joe or I. Especially when we lay her under the activity mat and we're not paying enough attention to her she'll be "Talking" and out of nowhere she hollers. It's like she is hollering "Hey, pay attention to me. NOW!" We can't help but laugh.
Here is what Katie's life is like at 4 moths old.
- She now falls asleep around 10 PM and sleeps through the night until 7 AM. Once she is changed, fed, and burped she goes down for her morning nap which is about 2-3 hours.
- She'll have two short naps throughout the day and around 5 she'll sleep for about 2 hours and then not sleep until bed time.
- She takes baby zantac twice a day for her acid reflux.
- She is mostly fed breast milk although my body can't quite keep up with her intake so she does get two bottles a day of formula.
- She drinks 4 ounces at a time.
- She is much easier to burp than she used to be.
- She talks herself to sleep, as if she's trying to talk her way out of it.
- She drinks 4 ounces at a time.
- She can roll over from front to back and can roll to her side from her back.
- She drools constantly
- We think she is starting to teeth.
- She must think her fingers are appetizing since they are always being chewed on.
- She can push her chest off the ground when on her belly.
- She can sit up with little assistance. If I let her hold onto my fingers she can stabilize herself enough to sit up for a little while.
- This kid LOVES to stand. She'd rather stand than sit.
- She is starting to love bath time, she no longer sits in the tub with her lips pursed and frowning. she now kicks her legs in the water and splashes.
- She's a TV Watcher. If the TV is on she'll find a way to look at it.
- She loves car rides, she entertains herself with her Baby Einstein lights and music mirror
She is already been blessed with so many nicknames. Most common is Little Miss. Katie Girl (from Mommy), Bubble Girl (from Nana), Little Cutie (from Grandma). Daddy calls her some variation of his little turkey. Currently using Turkey Muffin. Don't know what that really means but it's cute.
Daddy's Mini Me |
She rarely cries. Seriously hardly ever. Joe and I got so lucky with her! She is so fantastic and the love of my life. Motherhood isn't easy but it is so rewarding!
I am loving my life. It isn't easy, especially with us being on such a tight budget because I'm only working part time, however it fills my heart with so much joy. I wouldn't have it any other way though. I never thought life could be so great.
I am loving my life. It isn't easy, especially with us being on such a tight budget because I'm only working part time, however it fills my heart with so much joy. I wouldn't have it any other way though. I never thought life could be so great.
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