Well Katie is now 4 months old and much more dependent. Meaning I have a bit more time on my hands and needed to find a hobby that I could pick up and do at anytime as well as be able to quickly stop and care for little miss.
So here is my first edition of the Milich Family Update. With Joe's family in Australia and half of mine in Minnesota I figure this is a good way for them to keep up to date with our going ons.
Katie is now 16 weeks old. Where in the world did the time go? It feels like yesterday that I saw her for the first time and nuzzled my nose to her cheek when they brought her to my side.
Joe stays busy with his business. He will soon be moving over to AAA Fleet so that he'll be working a predictable schedule! You have no idea how excited I am about this. He'll be working 4 10s and then have 3 days off in a row to enjoy family time!
I am back at work part time. I work 2 full days on Wednesdays and Thursdays, and a half day on Friday.
I feel like I am running a marathon from Wednesday Morning until Friday Evening.
On Wednesdays, Joe's mom comes down from Stanwood to look after Katie. It gives her an opportunity to have some one on one time with her. I love this day because I can just wake up, pump, prepare Katie's bottle and medicine, shower, dress and leave for work knowing Joe will stay with her until Naomi arrives. (Once Joe starts fleet we'll need to think of a new routine for this day because Joe will need to be at work by 7AM.)
On Thursdays I wake up usually 30 minutes before Katie so that I can pump, get her bottle warmed and shower before she wakes up. If she's awake after my shower I give her her medicine, pick her up, change her, and feed her. Then I lay her back down and finish getting ready, I pack her bag to take to my moms (Nana's), load the car and then I bundle her up in her car seat. When I pick her up later in the evening I usually hang out at my moms until 8 or 9. Joe usually works late and I'd rather spend the time with my mom than home alone for the evening with Katie. It's normally a fun girls night. Mom cooks dinner and we play with Katie and just talk.
By Fridays I am
Katie's schedule has changed recently. She no longer takes her 3 hour nap in the morning nor her 2 hour nap in the evening. Just 30 minute naps here and there throughout the day. It usually takes a bit of a fight to put her down too. Most likely the 4 month wakeful period I heard so much about. I think part of it is because she is starting to teeth. Yep my little girl has some teeth moving around in there. She is CONSTANTLY chewing on her fingers and drooling like a leaky pipe.
One thing I can depend on is once she is down for her night time sleep (Between 10pm - 12am) she stays down for the night. Until 6:30 or 7. At least I can count on that for now! I'll take uninterrupted sleep any day.
4 Things I love about my 4 Month Old
(I saw a few friends do this and I absolutely loved it and I hope they don't mind that I am going to do it myself. )
- I love it when I lean over her crib to say good morning she gives me the biggest smile and then she proceeds to raise her arms above her head and stretch out as she farts. So much like her daddy.
- I love that she is such a little talker. She keeps Joe and I very entertained. She currently loves blowing raspberries.
- I love how she insist to hold my index finger in one hand and my pinky in the other as she eats. As if she's worried I'll take the bottle away.
- I love how she is equal parts myself and Joe. There are moments when I swear she looks just like her daddy. Other moments when I look at her and I swear I have a photo of myself with the same face.
I promise to post weekly at minimum. I enjoy getting my thoughts in writing and sharing it to others.
Next post will be about the beginning of Katie!
That photo of her is just too darn precious! Love it. I commend you for taking the time to write. I really wish I would get back in to it, too.