Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Katie Marie - 10 Months old

Okay so I know I have been HORRIBLE at this blogging thing the last few months. Life has been so busy now that Little Miss is semi mobile and VERY curious.

Katie Marie @10 months old.

Weight: 18lbs
Height: 29 inches tall.
Teeth: 7 teeth (four top three bottom)
Hair: Finally growing in and it is a pretty copper.
Favorite toy: anything that is not a toy. Paper, or cabinet locks in their package so far are the best.
Favorite activity: tie between patty cake and peek a boo.
Best friend: Currently the dogs. We don't have a lot of friends with babies around Katie's age that we see a lot ( I really want to change this soon, she needs some play dates)

She is so chill and social that she doesn't care who holds her, she's just content to be held and walked around.

Ok so my child is for the most part... Lazy. She hasn't had any interest in holding a bottle or feeding herself or even crawling since the end of time. I would see other friends kids at 7 months old feeding themselves and there Katie was just opening her mouth waiting for someone to feed her. Now out of no where she is holding her sippy cup(she still struggles sometimes), feeding herself, and moving around pretty fast.

Katie's bedtime is up in the air right now. usually by 9:30 she is down unless she has a early evening nap, then it is close to midnight. She generally wakes up once for a bottle in the night and then falls straight back to sleep until 8 ish. She gets a 6 oz bottle in the morning and then it's play time. She has her "breakfast" around 10:30 which consists of some type of fruit and oatmeal and sometimes cut up pancakes.  After breakfast there is some play time with Mommy or Nana and then it is time for a nap. The rest of the day is pretty unscheduled due to the unpredictable daycare. She's either with Daddy, Nana, or Grandma during the day and each one has a different "Schedule" they follow. She'll get a lunch with some type of fruit, crackers, meat puree, and usually a veggie and then more play time and a nap in there somewhere before I pick her up in the evening.

Once home we play for a little bit then it is onto dinner which is usually a meat like Chicken, Beef, or Pork and a fruit or veggie and crackers. We end the meal with a toddler cookie which Logan covets.. He will sit at the side of her highchair and just wait for a crumb to drop. That's a whole other thing, dogs during meal times. I've recently had to move them out of the room during dinner. Katie has figured out that dropping her food over the edge of the tray and watching the dogs go for it is HILARIOUS. It is so much easier and less distracting to just move the dogs out of the living room during this time and then let them in for clean up.

After dinner we have a bath! Katie's favorite thing to do is splash in the tub. We generally use the Johnson and Johnson Bedtime body wash to help settle her down for the night. After bath time we get Katie dried off and lotioned up before putting on some cozy pjs then Mommy and Katie have story time. I am just now introducing her to Dr. Suss. Story time is hard though because little miss just wants to tear the pages. As a lover of books I refuse to let that happen. After a few stories I give her a bottle and if all goes well, she's then down for the night. She was teething last week so she was waking up about 30 minutes after falling asleep for some comfort.

She's a busy girl always wanting to be where ever I am. She is so mobile, crab crawling (to prevent herself from face planting on our wood floors) around, chasing the dogs or myself. She just started to pull herself up on objects to stand.

I had to lower her crib last week to the second to lowest setting. Broke my heart, but it had to be done. One morning at seriously 2 am she woke up for a bottle. I walked into her room blurry eyed with warm bottle in hand to see her standing in the corner of her crib, leaning over the edge to scream into the monitor trying to get my or Joe's attention. That gave me the shock of a lifetime. So next morning the crib was lowered, now every morning I walk into her room, there she is standing and holding on to the edge of her crib. When did my baby get so BIG.. She's so smart too. She is a quick study and likes to mimic mommy and daddy. I swear she understands most of what we are saying. As we're talking to her she will start to shake her head No. as if she knows what we are saying and she is telling us that she disagrees.

We got our Christmas Tree Saturday. It was fun having Katie play around and feel all of the trees. We got a short one this year incase we have to put it on a table top to keep Katie out of trouble. It is however still sitting at home undecorated since I can't find our lights that go on the tree. Daddy's gonna help me look tomorrow. 

We got lunch at Kidd Valley right after.. NUM

I did however take some cute pics of missy playing with some other lights. 

One of her nicknames is Ms. Huh. She babbles but for the most part she says Huh? ALL THE TIME. It's pretty cute. She also likes to "talk" with her mouth closed tight. When feeding her solids she thinks it's funny to make the elephant noise and spit the food out.

We recently had to blockade off the hallways from the living room to keep her in one area. She went for months content to roaming one room to Ms Explorer. My oh my was our house not ready for that! She went from Zero to Sixty overnight, just like I was warned by all of the other experienced moms.

I am so in love with my little girl. Even though she is going through a pinching phase which I am having a hard time dealing with. Parents if you have any advise on how to get your infant to not hit the face or pinch I would love to hear it.

She looks into my soul when she makes eye contact. She could be doing something naughty, like getting into the dog bowl, and when I say No she just turns around in shock, then smiles like she knows she's doing something she shouldn't be but she's doing it anyways.

We installed cabinet locks this last weekend. Finally it was a necessity.  It is hard for me to think about how soon it will be when Katie turns one. We're getting ready to have our first family Thanksgiving as well as Baby's First Christmas. Soon after that she'll be 1... Tears. I am so happy to see her grow up into this amazing little person but it also breaks my heart to know how fast it goes by. She is changing by the hour.

Current favorite thing about Katie: Her hugs and Kisses. She grabs my face right behind my ears and pulls me toward her to either open mouth kiss my cheek or my nose as she kicks her legs in glee.  I love my little muffin and it mealts my heart to know that she loves me too.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy 1st Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Last year I had a sign taped on my belly. It was an eviction notice. Yep that's right. I threatened Katie to vacate her dwelling as of 12/25/2010. As you all know, she called my bluff.

This year, I dressed up as one of 4 angry birds with my team mates. Katie - Well there was just one option for her costume.

With Daddy being Australian and Katie being half Australian, we just had to represent.

So here her costume is.


That's right, Katie Roo the Kangaroo!

To celebrate this festive holiday I made mini pumpkin pies and witches fingers.

Nana brought Katie to my work in the afternoon since they were hosting a Trick Or Treat in both buildings! Katie LOVED all of the attention. She didn't get any candy.. ok not so true. Mommy got some candy and Katie chose the ones that made the best noise! like M&Ms in the bag or skittles. 

Her favorite treat was a box of kitty and puppy stickers. They were in a box and made just the best noise ever when shook. 

I had to kiss my munchkin goodbye for a few hours and get back to work. 

After work I picked her up and stopped at a good friends of ours, Jorge and Debbie's. We helped them answer the door and pass out candy while Katie "crab" crawled and scooted around . It was a fun night watching her reaction to other little kids. 

Katie started getting tired so I bundled her into the car and headed home to a SICK daddy. Not fun. 
Daddy had a nice dinner ready, steak and home made fries. We had a nice quiet meal and then cuddled on the couch and put Katie to bed. She went down without a fight.

So much excitement for one little girl! I look forward to next year when she will be able to walk on her own and go door to door! So many memories made and so many more to make.

It was a great Halloween and I hope all of you had a fun evening as well!

Next up! Thanksgiving!

Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

Two weeks ago Sunday we decided spontaneously to go up north to the pumpkin patch at The Plant Farm in Smokey Point! With Katie not walking I really wasn't looking forward to trudging through the mud, the Plant Farm had all of their pumpkins already cut and out in a grassy field. They had hay rides, a petting zoo, little trains, and a bouncy house. Plus all proceeds went to Marysville Rotary Club which was going to be donated to the Literacy charity. So BIG plus in my book.. Ha ha get it.. Book!

Ok so it was sunny and gorgeous and I was all revved up from being awake at 7 for the Sno Moms sale so of course off we go for a road trip.

We met up with Grandma and Uncle James and off to the fields we went. Katie was only interested in wanting to be in the bouncy house. However she was too young.. next year.. maybe.

She had a blast picking out the perfect pumpkin. So did mommy and daddy. Having a child really brings the kids out in us! The following weekend we carved the pumpkins in preparation for Halloween.

Here are some Pics!